Why Coaching ?

I believe that coaching will play a vital role in the development of our culture over the next few decades. We’re facing a unique turning point in the history of humanity, with little to no sense of guidance towards the future. 

The institutions we once turned to for unity have left us for the most part divided and confused. The scientific revolution and age of information have put our own sense of self worth in competition with a machine. Everything we once thought we knew has been put into question. There’s no more meaning to the word truth and from that we are left to carve out our own paths. While there is great power in the freedom to the malleability of our reality, there can be just as much a burdensome barrier devoid of connection to the remembrance of what actually is. 

The internet has brought us global connectivity, which has in turn greatly effected the collective  sense of human consciousness. As old systems rapidly come to a fall, who or what will guide us? There’s more equality, but at the same time a greater awareness for discrimination. There’s more peace, but at the same time a greater awareness for suffering. There’s more wealth, but at the same time a greater awareness for poverty. 

We’re facing the burden of truth for the most part alone. We are awake, but yet paralyzed by the traumas of our ancestors and the limiting beliefs about ourselves as people and our collective role in the future of evolution . As a society, we’ve lost touch with the importance of respect for the elders and wise ones to guide us. From within this collapse of consensus reality we’ll have to learn to guide ourselves. As a coach, I offer you a space in my heart, a space in my mind, and the trust in my soul that you will soon take off to become your own teacher. 

I ask you to pass along three things. 

A belief in kindness. 

A choice of compassion. 

And an act of courage. 

Be the change that you wish to see in world.  – Mahatma Gandhi

( we need YOU )