Creativity - Wellness - Life Purpose - Guided Workshop Series, The Power of Language, Self Empowerment

Wellness Workshop: The Power of Language, Self Empowerment

Words can be a force for creation or a force for destruction

  • Evaluate the types of limiting words and phrases that show up in your life.
  • Speech may be limiting you, your ideas, your interactions, or your ability to connect, imagine, or trust.

Think about language a a tool for self empowerment

  • Create focus around a positive change
  • Change limiting beliefs
  • Develop confidence and greater power

This exercise will help you evaluate your relationship with words. Do the words you use align with your own inner power? Join this workshop to learn about how language can limit your power and potential. Leave this class with a list of new words that align with a stronger more confident version of the you that you want to become.

Evaluating Your Use of Language

  • Judgments
  • Can’ts
  • Impossibilities
  • Trying
  • Expectations
  • Shoulds

Ask yourself, how can you use words to make sovereign choices and speak up for your truth ?

Changing A Habit, Creating A New Belief

Life Coaching for Creativity & Personal Transformation

Chaos2order Coaching, Holistic Wellness for the Modern Dreamer 

Intentional Living with Jasmine Raskas, ICF Certified Creativity & Wellness Coach